Online Course From Idea to Business: Business Education News and Trends

Мар 20, 2024 / 14:13

The course consists of 14 short video lectures in English and serves as a step-by-step guide to developing a business idea.

The latest news in business education and EdTech in Russia and abroad: facts, trends, research results. has announced the launch of an online course on the platform.

Online Course From Idea to Business: Business Education News and Trends

The goal of this initiative is to break stereotypes and turn TikTok into a study assistant.

The new course is called 'From Idea to Business'. It consists of 14 short video lectures in English that systematically explain the stages of launching your own product: from a business idea to its implementation.

The course also includes homework assignments and a final certification, upon passing which students will receive an official credit.

The Association for Online Education Assistance (AOEA) has named the best Russian-language LMS platforms for each of the four segments: infobusiness, interactive, distance, and corporate training.

In total, 23 platforms were evaluated. Each platform was assessed based on criteria such as functionality, technical support, usability, cost, and popularity.

The leader in three out of four categories was. Only in the corporate training sector, it took the second place, conceding to, and taking the third place in this segment.

In the 'infobusiness' segment, 'distance learning' segment, and 'interactive learning' segment, the 2nd and 3rd place went to.

48% of Russians are willing to undergo additional training only if the employer or the state pays for them, according to data obtained by company. Only 13% of respondents agreed to pay for themselves.

39% of the remaining respondents reported that they were not interested in further education. The majority of those willing to learn turned out to be among those surveyed aged 18-24: 65% of them would be willing to undergo paid training. The readiness to continue studying was most often expressed by Russians working in the fields of trade, finance, medicine, and education.

In 2023, 32% of job seekers were rejected for employment due to their skills not matching the job requirements. However, compared to 2022, the rejection rate for this reason decreased by almost 7 percentage points. These data were collected during a joint study. Skills mismatch was most often observed in the extractive industry (72.3%), as well as in the EdTech and education sector (61.1%). The greatest discrepancy with job requirements was observed in hiring producers (72%), SMM managers (70%), and systems engineers (60%).

An online school has developed a chatbot capable of determining language proficiency level during a live conversation with the user, the company's press service reported. The new service is named the «Detroit Test». The conversation with the program is in the format of voice messages: the chatbot asks questions and instantly reacts to what is being said. The accuracy of the assessment depends on the duration of the dialogue. Developers note that a 15-minute dialogue increases the likelihood of a correct assessment to 95%. At the end, the user receives feedback and recommendations for further language learning.

Last year, Australia issued a record low number of study visas, as reported by the British news agency The Pie News.

В 2023 году лишь 81,2% заявителей получили положительные ответы на свои запросы. Этот показатель существенно ниже, чем в 2021 году, когда число студенческих виз, выданных в тот же период времени, составляло 93,5%.

Вспоминая прошлые годы, можно отметить, что в 2015/16 году доля выданных виз была на уровне 89,9%, а в 2019/20 году — 89,4%. Интересно, что даже те соискатели, чьи анкеты полностью соответствуют всем требованиям, могут получить отказ. Министр внутренних дел Австралии, Клэр О'Нил, отмечает, что такие меры являются необходимыми для обеспечения устойчивого уровня миграции в стране.

Российская IT-компания, специализирующаяся на разработке цифровых решений для онлайн-образования, представила свой собственный сервис видеосвязи. Новый сервис полностью соответствует российским стандартам безопасности и пригоден для использования в государственных учреждениях. Среди функций Teleboss можно выделить сессионные залы, доску для рисования, демонстрацию экрана, проведение онлайн-опросов и учет посещаемости. На данный момент на платформе зарегистрировано 35 тыс. пользователей. Компания Prodamus планирует расширить свою аудиторию до 100 тыс. человек.

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