Astana Hub Launches Tech Orda Program for IT Education Development

Мар 14, 2024 / 23:02

Astana Hub, the international technopark, has announced the start of accepting applications from private IT schools to participate in the Tech Orda program, which is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry.

Astana Hub Launches Tech Orda Program for IT Education Development

The program is aimed at developing IT education in the country, with up to 600,000 tenge allocated for the training of each student, as reported by the correspondent of the business information center with reference to the technopark's press service.

Within the framework of Tech Orda, the preparation of more than 3,000 IT specialists annually is provided for through state support. The acceptance of applications from IT schools in 2024 will last until April 9 on the platform.

The mechanism of distributing vouchers (grants) for education includes three stages. The first stage involves the selection and accreditation of IT schools to participate in the program, which is carried out by an independent commission composed of representatives of the IT market.

The second stage determines the number of vouchers to be distributed for each course using a developed algorithm that takes into account the employment indicators of graduates and special coefficients for regional schools. In the final stage, schools select students for free training in accordance with the received vouchers.

The competition among those wishing to acquire IT skills will be announced in May. The results of the Tech Orda program for 2022 and 2023 confirm its significance in preparing qualified personnel and developing IT education in the country. To date, 91 schools have trained 6251 students.

Программа Tech Orda привлекает внимание не только жителей крупных городов, но и представителей различных регионов. Более 40% учащихся IT-школ и 46% студентов, желающих принять участие в программе, происходят из провинций.

В 2023 году количество заявок от школ увеличилось до 102, что на 65% больше, чем в предыдущем году. Аналогично, количество заявок от студентов выросло на 75% и достигло впечатляющей цифры в 26 873», - подчеркнул управляющий директор технопарка, Азиз Тлеумуратов.

Согласно статистике, 87% выпускников программы успешно устроены на работу, их средний заработок составил около 500 тыс. тенге. Они трудоустроены в 1079 различных компаниях, включая известные корпорации как «», «Halyk Bank», «KPMG», «Ernst&Young», «Тенгизшевройл», «КазМунайГаз», «Freedom Finance», «Kcell», «Air Astana», «Kolesa Group» и многие другие.

Подробную информацию о программе Tech Orda и процессе подачи заявок можно найти по ссылке или обратившись по указанным контактам: номеру технопарка 2222, +7 7172 73 50 89.

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Астрологи-специалисты Astana Hub поддерживают госфинансирование программы Tech Orda.

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